Wednesday, August 10, 2005

History wave-functions

So today I’m thinking maybe Hegel or one of those guys had a point here. I’m talking about histories. Thinking of histories as threads, intricate series of vectors between various human and non-human actors, creating chains of apparent causality within the confines of these actors. A history is established when a pattern emerges in these vectors, a kind of quantum causality – a self-propagating determination working within the possibilities offering the path of least resistance for the maintenance of the pattern. A domino falling in a certain multi-dimensional fashion so as to cause other dominoes to fall in a similar pattern varying within narrow ranges. The story becomes real albeit twisted and monstrous. But sooner or later the pattern trips up. The spinning top – each rotation generated and defined by each previous rotation – starts to wobble. If a new pattern is not initiated during the wobble then a crash and cessation of pattern is inevitable. Chaos or stagnation, whichever is worse.
The pattern encourages one ot only look within its range of present possibilities in relating to actors. This does not mean that the actors themselves are restricted to such a narrow range of relations. New relations must be found within the existing set of givens so as to kickstart the possibility for a new historical progression – a new thread linking it all together. This is difficult. Very difficult.
As one tries to consider the actors and their potentialities one’s view is constantly skewed by the changes wrought by the progress of the current pattern, if one stares hard enough at a set of relations for long enough in hopes of seeing an emerging pattern one is likely to find one’s self lost or alienated by the dimensional distortions which alter one’s perception of the object of observation, rendering it unrecognizable. This can only be overcome by an attempt at ahistoricist observation, by seeking to completely ignore the thread, to start within it – so that one’s vantage point is constant so as to better observe the actors.
The point is to tell a plausible story, one that can coexist within the framework of the present thread while offering greater possibilities for historical progression upon the termination or collapse of the present thread. Think of a wave-function collapse. The possibilities are exhausted and a point is on the horizon. Points are bad. If one creates a sub-wave within the dominant wave function, an eddy in the socio-literal progression of space time and consciousness then there is the possibility that this eddy will expand in cooling down of the present thread. This is our goal.
It is collapsing. There is need for a new history. One can perceive the potentialities but they are so tied up within the present thread that they are not likely to survive it’s collapse as they are presently formulated. They are dialectic, negative, founded upon the limits of the present history. A stand-alone positive history is needed in order to ensure the integrity of the social consciousness. A new history is a difficult thing to erect. Its conditions are as follows:

1) Full accordance and acceptance of the conditions at the termination of the present thread – inclusion of all actors: The new history must be compatible with the present physical and cultural environment, it cannot impose new norms for it has no physical reality with which to exert the energy required in order to effect such change. Cities, mating, individual expression, diversity, whatever exists must be supported or at least acknowledge by such a new history. It must start where the old history ends and merely offer ways to develop from the actors as they are found.
2) Complete divergence in socio-literary substance from previous historical thread. The new history must be new. It cannot rest upon the social foundations of the previous history for then it is merely a continuation of the previous historical thread and will offer no hope for future development but merely a continuation of the inevitable historical stagnation.

With the above two considerations in mind, the development of a new historical thread is clearly a challenge, it must both maintain the stability of the previous thread while answering the questions the previous thread did not explore – it must begin from the place the previous thread ended and yet work in a completely new dimension. Historical dimension is the principle here. Just as there are unexplored possibilities and dimensions within physical space which are defined in their relation to objects and observers, so do such dimensions exist within cultural space. We need to move into new cultural dimensions.
The good news is that alternative histories exist on the fringe of the wave-function and merely need tying together. They are loose bits of cultural quantum foam popping into existence and then being annihilated. We must seek out these bits and tie them to other loose bits that are commensurable in the hopes that out of them a coherent fabric can begin to emerge.
The language is fighting the ideas, but hopefully you can meet me at the front.


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